The Warning by Eminem
Thursday, July 30, 2009
- By Breathing Room
..it makes me remember how much I love him.
I survived the 90's with Eminem.
He's responsible for my appreciation toward the power of syntax and diction.
And this song is really, really good! I know I shouldn't be surprised,
but he never fails to amaze me.
- By Breathing Room

I love Disney movies! They teach great lessons but they're so innocent (as should be, I suppose); especially Pocahontas and Mulan. These two movies are actually based on true events but the tales are so watered down. I know, I know, it's Disney! What should I expect? But the movies are so altered from reality it paints a fictitious history. Mulan, for instance is very americanized since her name is actually Fu Mu Lan. And she was a brutal warrior who carved the names of her enemies on her back. It's pretty sick actually. Love her! And jeez louise, Pocahontas and John Smith? They never got together! ..They never even met! That's Disney for ya. Sorry to burst your bubble. Either way, it's nice to see an array on ethnicities added to their credentials of Princesses/Heroines. In that area: A+.
JT: Too Cute
- By Breathing Room

Justin Timberlake really loves this whole #squee thing. Following his interest in it for the last couple of weeks has been quite entertaining.
Douche Bag Cops
- By Breathing Room
WTF Moment
Sooo, I think I might need an anger management class or two. Either that, or I just have a really bad issue with authority. There's just something so arrogant about most police officers that piss me off. Especially since it's an easy out for anyone who doesn't actually go to school. Someone needs to inform them that a badge does not give you the right to treat people sub-humanly. I say "most" police officers, because I know there are some good ones out there who actually do their job because they believe they can make a difference. I've even ran into a few. For the most part though, they're condescending tools!

Since my mom can't drive anymore, I picked her up from work yesterday. On our way home, a streetlight blew out due to that earth-shattering monsoon out there. Since there was no one directing traffic, I assumed it was okay to continue straight on our route until a douche bag cop on the side of the road aggressively comes up to our car screaming "What makes you think you can just pass a cop car?!" He was at the passenger window and yelling at my mom who was calm and apologizing. So when his aggression failed to simmer down, I lost it.
I guess he wasn't use to people not afraid of the big bad badge because he stood there in utter shock when I yelled the ish outta him. Trying to find a reason to give me a ticket, he even yelled "Well you almost hit me!" I kindda laughed at him and was like "I didn't almost hit you." Dramaqueen. And jeez, my poor mom trying to alleviate the situation kept apologizing to the semi-retarded "officer" saying "She's just really protective of me." Which I am. Don't come up to my car yelling when the misunderstanding wouldn't have even occurred had you been directing traffic like you were suppose to.
I didn't get a ticket. Or arrested. And the car ride home was really quiet until I said, "Mom, sorry for yelling at the cop." She laughed and said "It's okay, I got the same subordinate feeling you did but you need to learn to be more calm and be polite." Polite my ass. I know two wrongs don't make a right, but I am a firm believer in that you have to give respect to get it. Therefore, I will never respect anyone who approaches me with hostility.
Lesson Learned!
- By Breathing Room
WTF Moment
Never let a 7 year old run on a treadmill.
Especially on full speed.
Because then the 4 year old will want to hop on.
So when you turn your head for .5 seconds and this happens..
..their tiny bodies will collide and they'll both go flying.

Fragmented Thoughts, Just 'Cuz.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
- By Breathing Room
Random Thoughts
- I will never get sick of the movie 10 Things I Hate about You. Heath Ledger and JGL in the same movie? You can't get better than that. Especially for a 90's romantic comedy..
- True Story. (Brad Pitt on spirituality): "I'm probably 20% atheist and 80% agnostic. I don't think anyone really knows. You'll either find out or not when you get there, until then there's no point thinking about it.
- I recently threw out all of my clothes (ALL of it!) and am updating my wardrobe. I spent a couple hundred dollars today. And I feel no buyers remorse. Don't you love when that happens?
- My new thing is wearing vintage rock tees with a scoopneck sweater. Too bad I now only have 2 t-shirts. :/
- If I had the time, I'd hang out in Apple and listen to the guys behind the Genius Bar talk Geek all day.
- That being said, Puter is sick and had to be sent out for repairs. Initial problem: He wouldn't wake up from sleep. I brought him in a couple weeks ago and they put $800 worth of new parts in him (for free, thank goodness!). It's basicly a new computer but the sleep thing wasn't resloved and I really dislike turning him off improperly. Sooo I brought him back and the Geniuses were shocked at this unusual problem. I for one don't think it's unusual. Most people simply wouldn't bring in their computer for something so irrelevant. Anyway, I miss him dearly. I'm now stuck using a PC and feel retarded. It took me about 10 min to figure out how to save a picture to the desktop. And this no-spell check thing is pissing me off!
- I had a dream last night that I was best freinds with Joey from Real World Cancun. Yes, I'm aware he's an ignorant douche. And yes, I will always watch The Real World no matter how lame or repetitive the story lines become.
- I have a HUGE crack on my windshield. When I saw it, I just stared at it in shock with my jaw to the floor. Then, I came in and told my mom and sister. They both stared at me in shock with their jaws to the floor.
Ok, enough fragments. I'm gunna go clean and get rid of all my shoes now. ♥
500 Days of Summer - Promo
Too Funny. You will die laughing. I've never been more excited to see a movie!

The Night Journey and Ascension
- By Breathing Room
What a wonderful story. The ascension occurred about 1388 years ago today. Whether it actually happened or was a vision is irrelevant - the entire event's connotation doesn't alter.
I've been reading the Qur'an this summer. I always seem to need something to study. It's the first summer since High School that I've had off and I don't want my brain to dry out and disintegrate. Therefore, I bought a scholarly copy of the book in order to take notes with less disrespect. If you think my copy of Paradise Lost has been dissected, analyzed, and run through the mill, you haven't seen anything!
My favorite ayahs so far (probably just due to personal timing):
With every difficulty there is relief.
With every difficulty there is relief.
(Qur'an 94:5-6)
Besides, anything repetitive always catches my eye.
Even though I've gotten the best translated versions of the Qur'an, it's times like this where I wish I read or understood more Arabic so I could appreciate it's alliteration. I know rhetoric is essential in understanding it all properly since it's one of the few books which is language specific. A translated version is like watching O instead of reading Othello. You get the gist of what happens but you miss crucial information and meaning is altered. It's unfortunate, but my translated version are critically acclaimed so I'm hoping it's more of an Othello spark note rather than O.

Why I Love "NY Prep": Reason #1
Sunday, July 19, 2009
- By Breathing Room

They make fun of girls who wear "Juicy." Usually the opinions of others are irrelevant in my world. Especially those of spoiled trust-fund babies. But, their digs at public school girls who wear "Juicy sweaters" spoke directly to my subconscious and made me severely re-think that bright pinkish-purple Juicy lap-top case chilling on my bedroom floor. I was uncomfortable wearing to begin with since I'm not 16 - but now it's just awkward. I think it's about that time to visit The Couture Exchange and rid myself of the designer-bags-I-once-thought-were-cute. From now on, labels belong on the inside!

My Day is MADE
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
- By Breathing Room

[via JustJarad]
I can't decide which photo I love better.
Therefore, I change my desktop background every 5 minutes.

Revisit 2008
Saturday, July 11, 2009
- By Breathing Room
Yeah, yeah - I know. I'm about 7 months too late. Whatev, though. Better late than never! 2008 was a pretty monumental year and thanks to The New York Times, you can take a look back on both the good and the (really) bad. [ 2008 - The Year in Pictures ]

Obama: Campaigning in the rain at a University in Chester, PA.

Michael Phelps: The 100-meter butterfly. Winning his 7th (out of 8) gold metal.

War on Iraq & Afghanistan: Soldiers find a baby during a routine raid.

Kennedy Space Center: Endeavour on its way to the International Space Center.

Zimbabwe: Cholera epidemic. Infected over 16,000 and killed hundreds.
These pictures are hauntingly beautiful and definitely worth browsing through; especially if you're more into art than politics.

MJ Memorial: Powerful Moments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
- By Breathing Room

Think what you may of Reverend Al Sharpton, but this man is one of the most eloquent, passionate, and powerful speakers I have ever heard. "I want his three children to know: Wasn't nothing strange about your daddy, it was STRANGE what your daddy had to deal with."

I knew JM was preforming at the service. I was very excited about it. But the fact that he performed Human Nature was just the icing on the cake. It's my favorite MJ song and I've been telling everyone to download it! Don't be shocked, it's unusual, but not everyone walks around with classics on their iPod. Anyway, it was a wonderful surprise. Call be bias, but artistic-wise, JM was the best musical contributor. Unlike the rest of the artists who covered MJ's songs, John didn't sing. It was very respectful and a beautiful way to subtly convey how untouchable Michael Jackson's music is.

Paris Katherine Jackson, age 11: "Ever since I was born, Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine. I just wanted to say that I love him so much." If you didn't bawl like a baby, you have no heart! Screw Michael Jackson liking KFC for dinner! Concerning his identity and how he should be remembered, these are the 26 most humanizing words ever spoken. After all, a slight variation of these words echo in the mind of any young girl who looses her father. Michael Jackson was a father first and Paris' reaction showed the world that she and her brothers, amongst anything else, are normal children. My heart breaks for them.
The Jackson Family

The World Mourns
The day's over. It's been a roller-coaster of emotions for all of us. Now its time to select shuffle and repeat under "Michael Jackson" and hit the sack.
[Photo Source: MSNBC]
Rowling vs Meyer: No Competition
Saturday, July 4, 2009
- By Breathing Room
Book Review

I've been recently tempted to re-read the Harry Potter series. Yes, I'm 21. Please don't judge.
I adooored these books when they first came out. My mom read The Sorcerer's Stone first with her "unofficial work book club" and later gave me it to read so we could discuss it before the movie came out. I was instantly hooked and impatiently waited for the series' consecutive releases. I was 19 when the last book, Deathly Hallows, was published. Nostalgic moment, but a friend of mine and I would spend our summers reading this series. We would put our copies on hold at the bookstore and race, like dweebs, trying to finish first because we were so afraid the other would ruin the parts we didn't get to. Those were good summers. <3
I was waitressing during the summer the last book came out and on one of my daily trips to Costco I saw the most amazing thing: A mother grocery shopping with 3 kids, ages roughly 6 to 8, sitting in her oversized shopping cart, each completely engaged in their own individual copy of Deathly Hallows. It was a really, really beautiful sight. I think I may have turned slightly stalkerish because I ended up following them around a bit. I just never thought I'd see something like that again. Books rarely contain the power to ensue phenomena, but J.K. Rowling made children love to read again. It is truly amazing if you think about it.
Now let's not confuse this phenomena with "The Twilight Saga" hysteria because in all honesty, the Twilight books are really bad. Stephanie Meyer simply feeds off of the one prominent desire embedded within every teenage girl from here to East Bumble. You know, the one where we all want to be completely swept off our feet by that attractive unattainable guy who only has eyes for us. Sound familiar? It should. It's beneath Sociology 101. In reality, it's the only thing keeping this series afloat. I've read the books (back in the day when Twilight was actually in hardcover) and I never "fell in love" with it the way most people do. I found it to be cheesy and it dragged on for ages. I couldn't wait to be finished. I even have a theory on how this obnoxious hysteria ensued. Once a small group of girls started squeeing over Edward Cullan, a snowball effect most likely occurred until it was dubbed "popular" by the masses. Followers following Followers because it only takes one moron to give a novel critical acclamation. It's kind of like Hitler and his Nazi's - just not as dangerous. However, they are equally annoying, close-minded and all up-in-your-face. Untasteful comparison? My apologies. Anyway, this effect is easy to accomplish, especially with internet. This has seriously got to be the only logical reason because God knows no one can honestly be a fan of Meyer's "talent." Like most, I wanted to see what the fuss was about so I continued to read her series. I couldn't finish the last book though, the writing was so awkward - I was in pain. In fact, I'm not the only one who feels this way.
According to Stephen King, “Both Rowling and Meyer, they’re speaking directly to young people… The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can’t write worth a darn. She’s not very good.” While Stephen may not be a fan of Stephenie’s writing, he understands the appeal of the series. “People are attracted by the stories, by the pace, and in the case of Stephenie Meyer, it’s very clear that she’s writing to a whole generation of girls and opening up kind of a safe joining of love and sex in those books. It’s exciting and it’s thrilling and it’s not particularly threatening because it’s not overtly sexual.” He further explains, “A lot of the physical side of it is conveyed in things like, the vampire will touch her forearm or run a hand over skin, and she just flushes all hot and cold. And for girls, that’s a shorthand for all the feelings that they’re not ready to deal with yet.” [Source: MSNBC]
When it comes down to it, Twilight is a fad. Most people "love" it because they feel like they are suppose to love it. The Harry Potter Series, however, will be read in classrooms and put on Summer Reading Lists next to The Little Women. Rowling created something amazing with these books and for the rest of my life I will never forget those 3 tiny children in a shopping cart reading books the size of dictionaries.

It breaks my heart to know that my four year old niece, Amina, missed out on the Harry Potter excitement. It kind of makes me wonder if she'll ever experience anything like it. Hopefully in the next few years, a Rowling 2.0 will emerge and parents will stay up until midnight with their kids and buy them books rather than take them to movies. Either way, Amina's got Me, so I can assure you that when she's old enough we will spend every summer reading Harry Potter books. Then, we'll discuss them before finally watching the movies.

FML 2.0
Friday, July 3, 2009
- By Breathing Room
My Favorite Things

textsfromlastnight.com - Our generation's confessional. There's no doubt you'll feel a whole lot better about your embarrassing and/or awkward moments after reading this site. You might laugh a little too.
(801): You dropped me off at the wrong girl's house.
(1-801): There's no such thing as a "wrong girl" make it happen.
(801): Alright see you in the morning.
(412): I'm worried someone is gonna take a black light to my work computer. But the connection is faster here.
(251): Is there a "Plan B" app for my iPhone?
(734): I miss you. Just wanted to say that before the drugs kicked in so it's legit.
(925): Just went onto Yahoo and the featured article had a picture of one of the Jonas brothers. Last two times the featured article was a celebrity's face the headline was "Michael Jackson is Dead" and "Pitchman Billy Mays is Dead," so naturally I got a little excited. Turns out he's just engaged. Who gives a fuck.

The Tour
- By Breathing Room

Eeeek! Verizon has finally got it's version of the Blackberry Bold - the Tour! It's pretty much the only phone I ever wanted, but it was only available to AT&T and Sprint. My contract's up in September and I'm soo excited!! :D
I've never been drawn to the Verizon Blackberrys. They're just so unappealing. The Curve has these beady keys, the Pearls are just awkward, and the Storm is touch screen. But the Tour, it's pretty perfect. (Excitement!)
You know, I was talking to a friend yesterday deciding what phone to get next and, after bickering for about a half hour about how Verizon phones tend not to be the most attractive and reliable, we ended our conversation with her saying this: "Just wait 'til September, I'm sure they'll have something else out." And now they do. It's fate!

Thursday, July 2, 2009
- By Breathing Room

No grants? Gee, thanks. And just FYI, $3,750 doesn't even come close to paying off an entire semester. It's just fantastic how a majority of your money goes to those who don't even finish school yet you fail to help those who really need it. The middle class is always neglected and now I'm bitter and resent those who struggle. Douches.

Memo: MIA
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
- By Breathing Room
WTF Moment
For some reason, I don't think Brooke Hogan OR Heidi Montag have heard DOA. If they were relevant enough, I'm sure they would've gotten the memo. Thanks Perez, for sharing this with the world.

Stop This Train
- By Breathing Room
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