Yeah, yeah - I know. I'm about 7 months too late. Whatev, though. Better late than never! 2008 was a pretty monumental year and thanks to The New York Times, you can take a look back on both the good and the (really) bad. [ 2008 - The Year in Pictures ]

Obama: Campaigning in the rain at a University in Chester, PA.

Michael Phelps: The 100-meter butterfly. Winning his 7th (out of 8) gold metal.

War on Iraq & Afghanistan: Soldiers find a baby during a routine raid.

Kennedy Space Center: Endeavour on its way to the International Space Center.

Zimbabwe: Cholera epidemic. Infected over 16,000 and killed hundreds.
These pictures are hauntingly beautiful and definitely worth browsing through; especially if you're more into art than politics.

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