Think what you may of Reverend Al Sharpton, but this man is one of the most eloquent, passionate, and powerful speakers I have ever heard. "I want his three children to know: Wasn't nothing strange about your daddy, it was STRANGE what your daddy had to deal with."

I knew JM was preforming at the service. I was very excited about it. But the fact that he performed Human Nature was just the icing on the cake. It's my favorite MJ song and I've been telling everyone to download it! Don't be shocked, it's unusual, but not everyone walks around with classics on their iPod. Anyway, it was a wonderful surprise. Call be bias, but artistic-wise, JM was the best musical contributor. Unlike the rest of the artists who covered MJ's songs, John didn't sing. It was very respectful and a beautiful way to subtly convey how untouchable Michael Jackson's music is.

Paris Katherine Jackson, age 11: "Ever since I was born, Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine. I just wanted to say that I love him so much." If you didn't bawl like a baby, you have no heart! Screw Michael Jackson liking KFC for dinner! Concerning his identity and how he should be remembered, these are the 26 most humanizing words ever spoken. After all, a slight variation of these words echo in the mind of any young girl who looses her father. Michael Jackson was a father first and Paris' reaction showed the world that she and her brothers, amongst anything else, are normal children. My heart breaks for them.
The Jackson Family

The World Mourns
The day's over. It's been a roller-coaster of emotions for all of us. Now its time to select shuffle and repeat under "Michael Jackson" and hit the sack.
[Photo Source: MSNBC]
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