I love Disney movies! They teach great lessons but they're so innocent (as should be, I suppose); especially Pocahontas and Mulan. These two movies are actually based on true events but the tales are so watered down. I know, I know, it's Disney! What should I expect? But the movies are so altered from reality it paints a fictitious history. Mulan, for instance is very americanized since her name is actually Fu Mu Lan. And she was a brutal warrior who carved the names of her enemies on her back. It's pretty sick actually. Love her! And jeez louise, Pocahontas and John Smith? They never got together! ..They never even met! That's Disney for ya. Sorry to burst your bubble. Either way, it's nice to see an array on ethnicities added to their credentials of Princesses/Heroines. In that area: A+.
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