Sooo, I think I might need an anger management class or two. Either that, or I just have a really bad issue with authority. There's just something so arrogant about most police officers that piss me off. Especially since it's an easy out for anyone who doesn't actually go to school. Someone needs to inform them that a badge does not give you the right to treat people sub-humanly. I say "most" police officers, because I know there are some good ones out there who actually do their job because they believe they can make a difference. I've even ran into a few. For the most part though, they're condescending tools!

Since my mom can't drive anymore, I picked her up from work yesterday. On our way home, a streetlight blew out due to that earth-shattering monsoon out there. Since there was no one directing traffic, I assumed it was okay to continue straight on our route until a douche bag cop on the side of the road aggressively comes up to our car screaming "What makes you think you can just pass a cop car?!" He was at the passenger window and yelling at my mom who was calm and apologizing. So when his aggression failed to simmer down, I lost it.
I guess he wasn't use to people not afraid of the big bad badge because he stood there in utter shock when I yelled the ish outta him. Trying to find a reason to give me a ticket, he even yelled "Well you almost hit me!" I kindda laughed at him and was like "I didn't almost hit you." Dramaqueen. And jeez, my poor mom trying to alleviate the situation kept apologizing to the semi-retarded "officer" saying "She's just really protective of me." Which I am. Don't come up to my car yelling when the misunderstanding wouldn't have even occurred had you been directing traffic like you were suppose to.
I didn't get a ticket. Or arrested. And the car ride home was really quiet until I said, "Mom, sorry for yelling at the cop." She laughed and said "It's okay, I got the same subordinate feeling you did but you need to learn to be more calm and be polite." Polite my ass. I know two wrongs don't make a right, but I am a firm believer in that you have to give respect to get it. Therefore, I will never respect anyone who approaches me with hostility.
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