Eeeek! Verizon has finally got it's version of the Blackberry Bold - the Tour! It's pretty much the only phone I ever wanted, but it was only available to AT&T and Sprint. My contract's up in September and I'm soo excited!! :D
I've never been drawn to the Verizon Blackberrys. They're just so unappealing. The Curve has these beady keys, the Pearls are just awkward, and the Storm is touch screen. But the Tour, it's pretty perfect. (Excitement!)
You know, I was talking to a friend yesterday deciding what phone to get next and, after bickering for about a half hour about how Verizon phones tend not to be the most attractive and reliable, we ended our conversation with her saying this: "Just wait 'til September, I'm sure they'll have something else out." And now they do. It's fate!

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