May 29, 2009: 2:47 AM

Nostalgic moment. I was just reading through Taylor Swift's old journal entries and stumbled across her May 29, 2009 post:

So.. This is not smart. This. Being awake at 2:47 AM. You know why? Because my wake up call is at 5:00 AM. I'm playing on the Today show tomorrow/in a few hours, and I'm very excited about it. So excited, in fact, that I haven't really gotten around to sleeping. I've found my attention being drawn to so many different things that I can't possibly sleep. For example: My hotel room has motion censor lighting. So when I stand up or anything moves on the floor, these little lights come on at your feet to show you where you're going. No light switches needed. In my delirious state, I've been making jokes with myself. Every time something triggers the censor lighting, I say "Witchcraft!" or "EVIL!". Then I laugh hysterically. Then I sit there for a few seconds absorbing how lame I sound/look/am at this very moment in time. At 2:47 AM. Talking to the motion censor lighting.My dad is along the ride for this trip, hanging out and talking to every person he comes in contact with. He's a social butterfly, and loves being on tour. He loves it so much, he thinks it's absolutely hilarious to mess with me and try to embarrass me as much as possible. For example: Liz and I are walking into the hotel lobby after returning from dinner. It's a quiet, serene, beautiful hotel lobby and we're walking in when..

Screaming voice from out of nowhere: HEY! THAT'S TAYLOR SWIFT!!

Me: Dad. Please stop doing that.

It's pretty priceless having my dad out here with me. Tonight I went shopping at Top Shop in New York with the band. I got purple shoes. I'm really excited about the purple shoes, and I just needed to tell someone. I got purple shoes. Ok. That's done. Tomorrow, after the performance on the Today show, I'll fly back to Nashville and record a lot of new songs I've written in the last few weeks. I'm really excited about that. I want to get back to the tour though. Bad. I miss it every time I'm gone for a day. I've never had more fun doing anything in my life than I have on the Fearless tour. Thank you so much to everyone who has come to see the show. I can't even tell you how unreal it is for me, being up there, looking at those crowds. I just never thought I'd luck out like this.I'm really excited because Dateline NBC has been following me around for the last three months, video taping me planning this tour. They've put together a one-hour special about my tour, and it's airing some time within the next two weeks. I'll keep you posted on the exact date. I'd love for you to see the months of work leading up to me getting to put on this show. Also, I learned how to make a smoothie. It's very ground-breaking footage, I'm telling you. Keep checking back here, and on twitter. By the way, again, I'm taylorswift13 on twitter. There are a bunch of fake twitters that are apparently mine, and while they are amusing and creative, they're not real. :)

Well, I have some more important nonsense to get to. I'm going to go play with the light switches or the air conditioning control panel in my hotel room. Then I'm going to play the Today Show!

I love you, thanks to everyone who's been voting for the CMT awards at!

Stay excellent. I adore you.



Funny, at 2:47AM on May 29, 2009, I was totally laying on the streets of NYC waiting for Taylor to perform on the Today Show. ;)

See Here, and Here.


I'm newly addicted to "Words With Friends." If you have the App DL'ed on your iPod/iPhone, leave me your user name!

The "Words With Friends" app is the new Twitter. - John Mayer

Hey, Jude.


I'm absolutely going to see Sherlock Holmes now!

That's All You Want for Christmas?!

I asked my niece what she wanted for Christmas.
She answered, "Puzzles and sticker books."

Oh, to be 5.

To Write, Or Not to Write? To write.

One of my soon-to-be resolutions is to write more blogs. Not post things, but actually write. You know, unleash my inner Carrie Bradshaw (only a more Sylvia Plath-like version). It's funny, the one question I'm always asked after people find out I majored in English is "Oh, so you're a writer?" I usually cringe with a simple "No." I'm just damaged and neurotic. Let me assure you that their is a BIG difference between writers and people who can write. I will never consider myself a "writer." However, this after-graduation hiatus is driving me nuts and I need to put some energy into something productive. It seems whenever I have time off, my thoughts get the best of me; which usually off spins into an anxiety-driven depression (although I haven't had the urge to stick my head in an oven). Turns out I do my best when I have something to do. I need structure and deadlines, not an empty apartment with nothing to do but rewrite my resume 500 times a day - I'm not exaggerating. Have you tried finding a job lately? Starbucks won't even hire me! Thanks, recession. Therefore, since my days are beginning to blend together, it seems like I'll have plenty of time write.

My favorite bloggers are the ones who write about their life, not the daily-journal-of-uninteresting-things-you've-done-lately, but the ones who dig deep and share experiences that are relatable (whether good or bad). This is where my issue comes in. For some reason, I have the biggest issue with sharing information. I figure the best way to start is to follow in Ashley's footsteps and Blog Through My Years, from kindergarden through College. It should be fun. And therapeutic. I'll upload Kindergarden within the next few days; you know, in between my daily debates with deciding whether or not to add periods after my "Skills and Qualification" fragments.


I'm snowed in!
Perfect for fine tuning a resume. :|
Or for having an Emile Hirsch-athon!

It's Official!!

Just handed in my last paper!

Then, I went to get the mail and was greeted with a hefty student loan envelope.

Oy Vey!

New Album?

Good! Because I'm not really feeling Battle Studies.
(Yeah, I said it.) & if you think it's "amazing," you're so in denial.

Almost Graduated!

I'm one paper away from a degree. This is surreal.

BTW, I totally got re-hired for next semester. With a raise. ;)


Yeah, so 20 of us are up at 4AM studying for our Sociology final. The exam is in 7 hours.


Christmas Gifts

I really want to buy cute Christmas gifts this year. So I was browsing around the net instead of studying for my social psyc exam during my free time, and came across some adorable gifts I'd like to share with you.

PowerCup; $29.99 (This may not be a good idea. I'd totally straighten my hair in the car..)

Arroyo Sustainable Candle Blocks; $26-$38


Tomorrow starts my last week of undergraduate classes. I'll probably cry everyday this week. I encourage you not to bet against this. I'm excited to start the Grad School app process, though. Even finding part times jobs feels exciting! And nerve-wracking. But, more exciting!

Believe it or not, that BA is a nice cushion.

Scarlett O'Hara

In fourth grade, I was Scarlett O'Hara for Halloween. No one except my teacher knew who I was. She took a picture of me and said I had the best costume. Here's to being an individual!

Taylor Swift - NYTimes Style

Love her "doll" style spread! Watch her Screen Test Film here! Also, take a look at my past favorites: Joseph Gordon Levitt, Rosario Dawson, James Franco, Megan Fox

Christmas List*

I want these things for Christmas. Cool? Although, I'll probably just end up getting it all for myself.

1. Sewing Machine
2. Tudors & Bones on DVD
3. iPod Touch (I ran out of music room on my nano)

Is that too much to ask? I promise to leave cookies.

Christmas Time

I'm totally in the mood for Christmas this year. I can't wait until the weekend so I can decorate and put lights up!

[image via: flickr]

Seriously, Yum.

John's on the December cover of Details!! AND -- it comes out Tuesday! (I was totally planning to run to the bookstore like a maniac as soon as it opened anyway. I swear.)

There are high quality versions here, here, & here if you want a new desktop picture! ;)

You're welcome.


  • If someone hurts you, react. Forgiveness comes afterwards.
  • Resentment is like drinking poison....and waiting for the other person to die.

Via two of my favorite twitter-ers: Dita Von Teese & Paulo Coelho respectively.

JGL Opening Monologue


Joshua Radin

I saw Joshua Radin at Webster Hall last night & he was A M A Z I N G ! It was even filmed for his first live concert DVD so didn't worry about getting good pictures on my no-zoom dino-cam.

(I can't wait to find myself!) :D

P.S. These pictures do him no justice. The man is gorgeous.

These songs are some of my favs:

Oh yeah, Zach Braff was there too. Seems strange, but I didn't want to take a picture of him because I thought it'd be rude. :|

This Made My Night

JM @ MSG!!

I got my tickets!!!
I'm in section 11 and took me 40 minutes to get them. You can imagine my distraught when I kept getting better seats and loosing them. Oh well. Section 11 is not bad!

View from my seats:
(At least it's better than being behind the stage. & Yes, I will keep telling myself that.)

There are always surprise performers at Madison Square Garden..
..Soo, who thinks Taylor Swift will be there?!


Ok. Breathe, Nabila.. If someone was in this room with you they'd think you were nuts! I hold no judgement though.. ;)

Next Paycheck:

I seriously have no idea why I like these. I just do.
Therefore, come Wednesday, they'll be mine.


Got my code for JM's concert pre-sales this afternoon!
I was mid-class when my phone buzzed to tell me I got it.
I couldn't stop smiling!! ..People stared.

Madison Square Garden, here I come!!

We will not be this far ever again!

RT JohnCMayer: If you’re shocked that Britney was lip-syncing at her concert and want your money back, life may continue to be hard for you.

RT JohnCMayer: “There’s no discounting for bad taste.” – Me, just now.

Love him! <3


Scary how accurate horoscopes are sometimes.

Happy Birthday to Me! ♪♫

I'm 22! Who wants to buy me Ray Lamontagne tickets for this weekend?
No one?! Fine.
I'm off to New York now.
I may even get a nap on the train..

11/21: Night Occupied!

I'm so excited! Joseph Gordon Levitt is hosting SNL on 11/21. (Psh, just another reason why November's so great!) How do I even get tickets to SNL? I wanna go!!

From his Twitter: @hitRECordJoe


Don't blame me, blame the month I was born.

Scorpios are often mysterious people because their true feelings run so deep and they keep their emotions hidden. They also like to uncover things under the surface of others and are very intuitive. Their intense desire to uncover things combined with their determination and loyalty make them great spiritual leaders, scientist, and doctors. They are very adaptable, often changing careers and going down new paths.

They can be strong willed and determined, almost to the point of being stubborn. This makes them great competitors, even if they are able to hide this desire to win from you. This also makes Scorpios very dominant, controlling and passionate. When they do not have a positive outlet for self-expression, they often turn inwards and become destructive.

When wronged, they do not easily forgive. It is almost as if the Scorpio sign invented the word "revenge." However, they just as easily never forget an act of kindness and are always ready to repay it. Scorpios are very loyal friends, but can be possessive. Scorpios are also conservative when it comes to money but when they do spend it; they know the right investments to make.

Brilliant Minds

Scorpios have a native understanding of humans and often show psychic tendencies. They are often interested in the mind and its potential powers. Scorpio is the sign of many of life's mysteries: birth, sex, death, and regeneration. They are willing to explore things others are afraid to look into such as different religions and the occult.


Scorpios are often a force to be reckoned with. They are passionate, committed and in the same turn, if you are an enemy, they can be just as intensely ruthless. Scorpios are so intense, there are few challenges they are not willing to meet. They will use any information at hand to beat competitors and do not hesitate to move in for the kill.


Because of their intensity, Scorpios can be jealous, possessive, and controlling. When mistreated, they will make it their objective to get revenge, even if it takes years. They like to keep their true emotions hidden from others, which causes people to perceive them as cold and uncaring.

Scorpios can be your best friend or worst enemy. They are loving and passionate, even if they seem cold on the surface. They are often driven by their intensity and are determined to do whatever they set their mind to.

Sounds like November

New Playlist, just because it's November - my FAVORITE month of the year! I'd make an audible playlist, but I'm really lazy right now. Maybe later? ;)

24 Hours? How Stingy.

Usually, I attend 15 classes a week. Minus Traveling. This week, I'll be attending 21 classes. Minus (extensive) traveling. There are not enough hours in the day.

Where do I even fit my Birthday in all of that!?

The Secret to the Success of Life

Tim Travis: What am I going to do for the rest of my life? All of a sudden it matters.
Penny Travis: Well, Tim, the secret to the success of life is to find something you love. Is there something that you love?
Penny Travis: Good. And you have to do that for the rest of your life. And you'd better hope to hell that you're good at it, because if you're not you'll probably fail.
Tim Travis: How do you know if you're good at it?
Penny Travis: How do you know if you're good at it...
Penny Travis: People tell you.

- Imaginary Heroes

A Future Memory

I spent my 1st official paycheck on.. :

1. gas
3. a book light
4. coffee

Not bad for 5 hours of work. (minus my 8 pro bono hours) :/


Since I've been tagged by Farah (who is such a doll with the most wonderful blog!), here are 7 things about me that most people don't know.

1. I have the most bizarre phobias (i.e. birds and oven-mitts!)
2. I can absolutely 100%-ly live without my cell phone. I often compare myself to an 80 year old woman who only carries a phone around for emergencies.
3. I have an issue with authority. Not female authority though, just male. This issue usually gets my in trouble.
4. I'm an extremely old soul and should have been born in a different decade. You know how some people say "My whole life I was meant to be a mother" or a wife or a teacher, etc? Well my whole life I was meant to be 30. It's the perfect age and things just gets better after that!
5. Esty is my biggest time-suck. If I had the money, I'd spend ALL day shopping on that site. Until then, I'm stuck just browsing - for hours!
6. I seriously make the best playlists for any mood or occasion!
7. With my upcoming graduation, I've reached a cornerstone. I've got way to many options right now.


Love Love Love

6 new Taylor songs! Who's excited?


Highlights of my week:
- Got my first paycheck! (Stub is safely sitting in my memory box.) :D
- Got B's on all my midterms. Usually I'm all neurotic about numeric grades.. anything beneath a 85% I start hyperventilating. BUT, it's my last semester and I'm lazy! 75%? Party!!
- It rained last night. No sound in the world is more comforting when trying to sleep.
- Passed the campus church and it was covered in rainbow flags with a sign saying "love thy neighbor." This wasn't done in protest..
- Going to the bookstore tomorrow to buy John Irving's newest novel. I'm beyond excited!

- My students look quite concerned when they see I'm in one of there classes. It's awkward.
- I took my niece to a park with a petting zoo. There was a hugh white peacock (or a turkey..) that got loose. I ran away from it as she ran toward it. Words can not explain my fear.

Ooh, time to listen to Jimmy Fallon. Listen? Why yes, listen. My TV screen is still covered with static so I can only hear my shows. Convenient huh? (Let's add that to my low-lights!)

So My Life, HA!

Words of Wisdom - Rev B

"It's never too late to be a good friend,
but we all have a tipping point." - Me

Draped Tops

This top is my newest obsession from Old Navy. I plan on buying it in every color/print. Good thing they are only $10 each!

Brit-ish List

Playlist: On repeat.

♥ always

I loved today.

Took a practice GRE exam with the Princeton Review this morning. I ran into several people I know from either classes or work (including an awkward run-in with a girl who wanted to make out during our lit skit last summer). Pretty cool we all have similar goals though. Anyway, my results: I can't be more average! Oh well, I went in there blind. What should I have expected?

Therefore, I missed most of Amina's birthday party. As soon as I walked in the door I was attacked by 5 year olds. 'Twas nice; but I can only tolerate children for 5 minutes max.

..I'm not joking.

Dee was dressed as a fairy and painted everyone's face. She is sickly talented.

Then it was cake time. Here is a memorable convo:
Dee: You're eating that huge piece of cake? You're such a pig!
Me: I know! What's wrong with me? (As I walk away from the cake.)
Dee: So... you done with that spoon?
I. Died. Laughing.

I'm looking forward for tomorrow. I might see New York, I love You before I spend the rest of the day writing papers and preparing for my week.


& yes, the simplest things DO make me happy.

"When all is lost, all is left to gain"

Won't Back Down - Mat Kearney
The greatest song to zone out to at 4AM.

Chuck and Blair

Words can not explain how much I love Chuck Bass.
Gossip Girl will always be one of my favorite shows [f*** ratings!]..
..along with Glee, Drop Dead Diva, and Grey's Anatomy!