I remember buying birthday presents for my sister at Coach a few years ago. I spent well over $500 and to my defense, it was NOT on purpose. I think I even got her a Coach umbrella! Although it would have been useful last week at the Taylor Swift concert, see: Covered in Rain, paying close to $100 for signature "C's" is not such a smart decision. However, we all have those moments of nodding our heads in gullible agreement. As I finished my round in the store something distracted my ability to reason. That something was a John Mayer Trio song playing on the radio as a couple of girls discussed how much they loved the bluesy tune. I've been a hardcore JM fan for about 10 years now, so to those who know me it's no surprise that I turn into a puddle with the mere mention of him. So when the sales lady, Michelle, asked me if I'd take the $500+ worth of Coach merchandise I put aside for further evaluation, I simply said "yes" with that stupid grin still glued to my face. Damn.

I reminisce about this scenario because I had another distracting purchase today. Only this time, John wasn't the diversion. Had he been, I'd feel a little bit better. Anyway, I went to the mall this afternoon to spend the $19.50 I had left on my Sephora gift card. As I'm rummaging in the store, which is honestly the closest thing to Heaven, I contemplate wether to spend the few dollars I have on eyeliner or lipgloss. A HUGE decision for the indecisive. For some reason, I got seperated from the actual cosmetic sections and ended up looking at SmashBox primer (please don't ask why, I still don't know). All of a sudden, the most gorgeous human being comes over to me and asks if I've ever used SmashBox before. Surprisingly, I don't spaz and trip over my own tongue. Instead I explain I'm only familiar with MAC primer and ask him which he would suggest for under a dry powder cover-up. He says none and brings me to a different section and introduces me to Per-fekt Skin Gel. After a demonstration on the back of my hand he smiles like it's the coolest product he's ever seen. To be honest, I really didn't see a difference. But when the older, hotter version of Joe Jonas (you had to see him, don't judge) smiled and asked me if I'd take it, that stupid grin came back and I said "yes". Damn. This most likely wouldn't have been a problem if the product cost $19.50. Instead of sticking to my budget of around 20 bucks, I left my Heaven gullibly having spent $61.53. This is what happens when you are a sucker for charisma.
Now I know Michelle works on commission, so I didn't find it abnormal for her to write me a letter saying how she enjoyed helping me shop for my sister's birthday gifts. It was actually quite sweet and had I gone back to Coach, I would have asked for her. For some reason, I don't think the employees at Sephora work on commission. If they did, the place would be crawling with good looking men who understood Girl and spoke fluent Cosmetic. Now I'm not going to hold my breath for a letter from the JoBro look-alike (although, just like in Coach, they do take all your information at the register!), but if I did recieve one, it'd definitely be an OMFG moment. But I swear to God I'm not holding my breath. (Really.)
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