The sexiest thing a man can do is laugh at himself. Who the hell knew Mark-Paul Gosselaar had such an amazing sense of humor?! I must have watched his "interview" on Jimmy Fallon like 10 times this morning on YouTube; and each time it just got more hilarious. Fallon's got us (the 18-24 year olds) on lock so his show was the perfect outlet for such an amazing sketch. We caught every allusion!! *stares directly into camera and winks* It was quite exciting. Brought me back to the days when I rocked the tight colored stirrup pants and matching neon scrunches while playing "manhunt" or trading pogs with all the boys in 'hood. Yes, I was that cool. I still can't believe Gosselaar stayed in character the entire interview. It was very impressive actually. Mannerisms were spot on. And if that weren't enough, it also takes some serious balls to play with The Roots when you clearly have no idea how to sing or play guitar. Therefore, Mark-Paul Gosselaar, I love you. And since I love you, I'll be checking out your show Raising the Bar on TNT. I know this was your objective, and you've succeeded well - early 90's wear and all.

2 Responses to “I Heart Zack Morris”
loves it!!! 90's love baby!! ;) do u see how much make up he has on his face!!
Haha, I love that we both blogged about this. He's great.
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